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Spiralized Sweet Potato & Beet Noodles with Lemon and Ginger

These vibrant, mouth-watering veggies noodles are not your average gluten-free noodle! Since they are made with raw vegetables instead of grain and there’s no flour used, they’re super low in calories.

ā€‹Plus, they’re packed with antioxidants and other healing phytonutrients, which are completely lacking in grain-based pasta. Those phytonutrients are evident in the bright orange, pink and purple coloring in these noodles.

The way to make these beautiful noodles is with a vegetable spiralizer. My favorite one that I recommend to all my students is the Paderno Tri-Blade Spriralizer. It’s so great that it’s actually the one recommended by America’s Test Kitchen as well. Note that a hand-held spiralizer is not recommended for this recipe. Root vegetables, like the beets and sweet potatoes, are very firm and the countertop spiralizers allow you to slice with more power.

Who would say no to a bowl of sweet root noodles when they’re so pretty in pink and overflowing with flavor?!

Spiralized Sweet Potato & Beet Noodles

By Chef Katie Mae
Makes 5 cups | Ready in 15 minutes | Stores 1 week in fridge


  • 3 oz yellow onion, sliced thinly (½ medium)
  • 1-inch fresh ginger, peeled and minced
  • 6 oz spiralized beets (1 large)
  • 6 oz spiralized sweet potato (1 large)
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoon water
  • ¼ cup diced fresh mint



  1. In a large sauté pan or skillet over medium-high heat, add onions and cover. Sauté for a few minutes, stirring occasionally.
  2. In a small bowl, mix lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and water.
  3. Add ginger, beet noodles, and sweet potato noodles to the pan. Pour the lemon marinade over the noodles and turn the heat to medium. Cover and sauté for 5 minutes, occasionally giving the noodles a gentle stir to so they cook evenly.
  4. After 5 minutes, or once the noodles are tender to your liking, turn off heat. Stir in fresh mint and serve warm or chilled.



I used red beets and orange sweet potatoes in this dish, but feel free to use any varieties you like. The red beet juice gave the sweet potatoes a pink color, which leads to a pretty plate of red, purple, and pink noodles.

You can also replace the beets and sweet potato with other starchy vegetables, such as winter squash, yams, rutabagas, turnips, carrots, or parsnips.


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