This Beet and Persimmon Salad is a deliciously sweet and lightly spiced salad to enjoy in late fall to early winter. It's a beautiful addition to any holiday meal.
It's so light and low in calories, so it complements heavier entrees and rich sides that typically fill the holiday tables.
If you haven't had, or maybe even heard of persimmons, I HIGHLY recommend trying this luscious fruit if it's available near you. Don't wait; look for them soon because they're only in season for a short time.
With this salad, you'll want to use either fuyu or amigaki persimmons, which have a crisper consistency that can be cut into slices. Leave the messy haichiya persimmons to the baked goods.
Again this is a very seasonal recipe with delightful flavor, so I would definitely add this recipe to your next menu plan.
By Chef Katie Mae
Makes 2 servings | Ready in 10 minutes with beets pre-cooked | Stores 4 days in fridge
Add more or less ginger and cinnamon depending on how much spice you want.
For a little bit of added fat and calories, sprinkle roasted and crumbled walnuts, pecans, or pistachios over individual servings. I suggest about a tablespoon chopped or ½ oz per person.
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